An upset stomach is inevitable for all of us at some point, whether we like it or not.
And even though we do our best to prevent eating or doing anything that may make us feel sick, sometimes it can sneak up on us out of nowhere.
There are many reasons we may get an upset stomach. Reasons can range from indigestion, to lack of sleep to maybe just eating something that isn’t sitting well. Whatever the reason may be, there are some natural ways to help soothe your tummy without worrying about overloading yourself with harsh pills.
Life is busy! And it’s hard to be productive when you’re feeling under the weather. Luckily, there are plenty of natural remedies that can help banish belly troubles and bring relief to your system.
Here are 7 effective ways to get rid of an upset stomach fast.
1. Ginger
Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a remedy for nausea and other stomach problems. Some studies have found that the spice may be as effective as some anti-nausea medications with fewer side effects.
The chemicals in ginger may also help to reduce nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Try ginger tea next time you have an upset stomach.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural remedies for an upset stomach. Sip a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water when you have an upset stomach or heartburn – the warm water will help get its healing properties going.
3. Baking Soda
The baking soda/vinegar trick is very effective as well. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a cup of warm water, then follow it up with a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
Drink this concoction for an instant boost! It can settle your stomach.
4. Water
The body needs water to digest and absorb nutrients from foods and beverages efficiently. Being dehydrated makes digestion more difficult and less effective, which increases the likelihood of an upset stomach.
If you are having digestive issues, it is essential to stay hydrated. Vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration quickly so if you are experiencing these symptoms, you should keep drinking water.
5. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea is also very helpful. It’s very light and considered one of the most soothing types of tea. It’s not only soothing, but it contains some anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease stomach pains and aches.
6. Rice
Plain rice is useful for people with many types of stomach issues. It can help by adding bulk to stool, absorbing fluids that may contain toxins, and easing pain and cramps, due to its high levels of magnesium and potassium
Someone who is vomiting or has diarrhea could try slowly eating half a cup of plain, well-cooked rice. It is best to wait until at least a few hours after the last episode of vomiting.
7. Heating Pad Or A Warm Bath
Heat can help to relax tense muscles and ease indigestion, so taking a warm bath may help to ease the symptoms of an upset stomach. You can also apply a heating pad to your stomach for stomach pains.
Next time your stomach is not feeling so hot- try one of these natural ways to help alleviate the symptoms. However, if your sickness still persists or if you are not able to stay hydrated- seek medical advice.